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Inspiration for Starting and Continuing the Next Focus in Divine Consciousness Sheets - # 1

What inspired me to begin the Next Focus Sheets? A pledge to change. This change was offered by my Soul. Change, full of potential, to lift my depression and self-loathing. Change through my memories, my experiences. I was tired of living my Dad's message, "You'll never get it." If I meet this 'not enough' image head-on, I ventured, then I can move on with my life.

So, I approached these sheets with all the persistence available within me. As I continued working page after page of the Next Focus Sheets, denied, negative feelings began to surface. For the first time I allowed my negative feelings full rein. The pain, suffering, fear, and abuse became mine to acknowledge, to accept, and to begin to understand.

Yes, change happened. Shit too. I BECAME rage: enraged, outraged. I was given insight through my shame, my guilt. Self-acceptance blossomed for "what is" rather than what I would have liked situations to be, to look like. The adage, "I create my own reality" became a part of who I Am. I began to gauge my decisions by the depth of my self-acceptance and self-love. I began expressing, for the first time ever, from a place of joy and thankfulness.

I now bless my negative feelings as my teachers.

I am at peace.


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