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Faith - confident belief in the truth of a person, idea, or thing. This belief is not based on logical proof. With Faith, one has hope, Trust, Love, and certainty that God is.
Fear - the withholding of love
from self and usually another; the motivating force that drives
much of what occurs in the collective
consciousness; the energy behind the 6 Ego functions: judgment, criticism,
protection, defense,
control, and manipulation. ( see
Egoic functions)
Feelings - the expression and sensation of emotion; created, expressed and stored in the emotional body.
Finite - existing or enduring for a limited time only.
Form - the physical universe; that which is manifest; the entirety of the earth plane.
Formless - the unmanifest, that which encompasses the form within itself; it coexists with all forms on the earth plane. Form cannot exist without the Formless. (see Inner Planes)
4 Lower Bodies - the Home of the ego; the ego is fully resident in all 4 lower bodies: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
4 Step Process To Manifestation:
Functional Samadhi or Normalized Ecstasy/Bliss - a state of Divine Awareness wherein the individual is able to function in the world all the while maintaining a fully awakened state of Consciousness.