Vibrations - energy oscillations that fluctuate rapidly; everything
is vibration in form and formlessness.
The more dense the form, the slower the vibration, example: ice
- very slow vibration, water - moderate vibration, and air -
very fast vibration.
Raise the Vibration Up or Change
Yourself and Your Life:
1. |
In as few words as possible, speak the drama. |
2. |
What changes am I
willing to make in myself and my life to change my reality
and not have to repeat the same drama? |
3. |
Ask for the vibration
to be raised and speak the Truth of what you are willing to change
in yourself or your life. |
4. |
What does my inner guidance, my Soul,
say? |
5. |
is really going on here? |
6. |
What level of responsibility
am I taking for this? |
7. |
Why have I created this? |
8. |
Do I want to change?
yes___ no___ |
9. |
If the answer to #8 is yes, then you will need
to have the patience and persistence to practice this new Truth. |
10. |
To move out of inertia or stuckness, you will
need to find something or someone which inspires you. Inspiration
is the key to Self-motivation, which will ultimately free you
from inertia. A Self-motivated person is the creator of their
own reality rather than being created
by circumstances or individuals outside themselves. They are
proactive rather than reactive. |
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