A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Ah, Ha - to have a great realization, an eye-opener, a wake-up call; when your whole Being rejoices at an insight that is larger than life.
Alignment - refers to bringing the four lower bodies: the spiritual, the mental, the emotional, and the physical bodies into complete alliance with one another. They become the channel through which Soul Consciousness is made manifest in the embodiment; also refers to being at one with God, which you are. (see 4 Lower Bodies)
All In All - everything and nothing held as the same within Divine Consciousness. Same as All That Is. (see All That Is)
All That Is - God, everything, Infinity, Eternity; all forms and the formless.
Answer Lady, Oh
My God - God's right-hand woman, the
Dear Abby of the spiritual elite. She's here to answer all the
questions you were afraid to ask. (see Referencing
Ascended Master - a being who has become Self-Realized and serves humanity; a being who has raised his/her vibration to a sustained frequency of light. He/she can come and go at will from the earth plane without the Birth//Death cycle.
Ascension Meister - counterpart to the Ascended Master; an ego based buffoon who firmly believes that the Truth is expressed exclusively through him. (see Ascended Master)
Ascension - raising vibration; a daily occurrence; those practicing Consciousness are constantly ascending through their loving thoughts, feelings, actions and words to the next vibrational level which brings them more in alignment with Soul. (see Consciousness)
Ashram - a place where spiritual aspirants gather to live
and work on spiritual matters, quite often guided by a guru.
At-one-ment - in complete alignment with the Divine, which you are; no separation from God, Spirit, Form, Formless, Shadow, or Light.
Authentic Voice - is spoken from the Heart; the voice of your Soul which you consciously choose to express through speaking, writing, singing, all art forms, or any other creative activity.
Avatar - one who comes into the embodiment, fully realized as God, which he/she is; comes in service to humanity. (see Bodhisattva)
Awakening - is a process; a part of an individual's Soul Agreement. Awakening can be initiated by dreams, visions, visitations, life-altering disease, the death of a loved one, or other egoic dramas. The initial moment of Awakening may be forgotten for years and only "remembered" after another "Wake-Up Call" occurs later in life. However, the initial moment of Awakening can be held in the Consciousness of the individual, beginning the life-long process of Self-Realization. The process is an ever expanding Continuum of Consciousness. Awakening is a state of Being in full remembrance of God which we are. It involves the complete surrender of the ego to Soul. Life is lived in Consciousness, in Love, in/from the Heart.