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I Abuse Others Covertly And Overtly

Next Focus in Divine Consciousness



Everything is God.



I abuse others covertly and overtly.


Note: In the following worksheet, the patterns and behaviors of overt and covert Self-abuse are presented/described in all four lower bodies: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. In the physical body, covert and overt Self-abuse is exhibited through physically self-destructive actions. In the emotional body, covert and overt Self-abuse is manifested through negative, self-destructive feelings. In the mental body, covert and overt Self-abuse is exemplified by self-destructive thoughts. In the spiritual body, covert and overt self-abuse is manifested by negative relationships with self and God.




I feel…
vile outraged abusive ashamed
despicable hideous impotent isolated
evil jealous pitiful alone
cruel furious sorrowful wretched


A.) Ego Perspective:
1.) Physical Body:
a.) Overt Abuse to Others
1.) In my physical body the overt abuse to others is I physically assault others.
2.) In my physical body the overt abuse to others is I intimidate others by my stance or posture when I am seeking power over them.
3.) In my physical body the overt abuse to others is I control and manipulate others through sex.
4.) In my physical body the overt abuse to others is I model self-abusive behavior to others and pretend my behavior is healthy/normal.
5.) In my physical body the overt abuse to others is I take out my anger and vengence on others by hitting, slapping, pinching, arm-twisting, fighting, or hurting.
6.) In my physical body the overt abuse to others is I verbally blame and lash out at others for my physical illnesses, imperfections, and shortcomings.
7.) In my physical body the overt abuse to others is I give evil looks to others when I am enraged.
8.) In my physical body the overt abuse to others is I walk out on others when I am enraged.
9.) In my physical body the overt abuse to others is I constantly demand attention from others.
10.) In my physical body the overt abuse to others is I keep others waiting for me.
11.) In my physical body the overt abuse to others is I interrupt others before they are finished speaking.
12.) In my physical body the overt abuse to others is I openly judge and ridicule others for any manner of speech, behavior, or appearance that is different from mine.
1.) Physical Body (Con't.):
b.) Covert Abuse to Others
1.) In my physical body the covert abuse to others is I secretly wish physical harm to others.
2.) In my physical body the covert abuse to others is I punish others with my unrealistic expectations of their physical abilities. I push others beyond their physical limits and covertly compete with them.
3.) In my physical body the covert abuse to others is I believe I am physically superior. I condemn others for their physical shortcomings.
4.) In my physical body the covert abuse to others is I secretly judge and condemn others for their physical appearance.
5.) In my physical body the covert abuse to others is I secretly judge and condemn others by the color of their skin.
6.) In my physical body the covert abuse to others is I am jealous of other people's youthful, beautiful, graceful bodies.
7.) In my physical body the covert abuse to others is I privately judge and condemn others by how they wear their hair, their make-up, their clothes, and their jewelry.
8.) In my physical body the covert abuse to others is I silently berate others for how they sound: their tone of voice, rate of speech, and laughter.
9.) In my physical body the covert abuse to others is I pretend to listen to others.
10.) In my physical body the covert abuse to others is I pretend to enjoy sex.
11.) In my physical body the covert abuse to others is I sabotage the physical well-being of others by eating junk food and convincing others to join me.
12.) In my physical body the covert abuse to others is I punish others by withholding loving touch, attention, intimacy, and sex.
2.) Emotional Body:
a.) Overt Abuse to Others
1.) In my emotional body the overt abuse to others is I emotionally rape others.
2.) In my emotional body the overt abuse to others is I get bitchy and cranky to manipulate others.
3.) In my emotional body the overt abuse to others is I desert others when they are in emotional distress.
4.) In my emotional body the overt abuse to others is I am stubborn and belligerent with others who get in my way, or when I want to get my own way.
5.) In my emotional body the overt abuse to others is I wield my power to create stress for others by harping, nagging, and being negative.
6.) In my emotional body the overt abuse to others is I make caustic remarks and gossip about others.
7.) In my emotional body the overt abuse to others is I punish others by not speaking to them or avoiding eye contact.
8.) In my emotional body the overt abuse to others is I violate their trust by lies of comission and omission.
9.) In my emotional body the overt abuse to others is I purposefully ridicule others to make them feel humiliated, ashamed, mortified, and embarrassed.
10.) In my emotional body the overt abuse to others is I am vindictive and belittle others to get back at them and get my revenge.
11.) In my emotional body the overt abuse to others is I devalue other people's feelings and make them feel wrong.
12.) In my emotional body the overt abuse to others is I encourage their negative feelings, negative self-talk, negative self-image, and support their emotional ruin.
2.) Emotional Body (Con't.):
b.) Covert Abuse to Others
1.) In my emotional body the covert abuse to others is I make receiving my love and attention contingent upon pleasing me, following my rules.
2.) In my emotional body the covert abuse to others is I hide what I am feeling or thinking. Instead, I smile and act loving and kind, no matter what I am really feeling inside.
3.) In my emotional body the covert abuse to others is I hold others hostage to my emotional blackmail.
4.) In my emotional body the covert abuse to others is I covet other people's happiness.
5.) In my emotional body the covert abuse to others is I do not trust other people and won't allow them into my emotional realm.
6.) In my emotional body the covert abuse to others is I withhold my compassion, empathy, and emotional intimacy with others.
7.) In my emotional body the covert abuse to others is I hold grudges against others.
8.) In my emotional body the covert abuse to others is I encourage others to feel sorry for themselves and engage in victimhood.
9.) In my emotional body the covert abuse to others is I feel powerful when others feel worthless, and am relieved and secretly happy over other people's pain, grief, or loss.
10.) In my emotional body the covert abuse to others is I think it is my right say whatever I want to others, regardless of the emotional damage I may cause.
11.) In my emotional body the covert abuse to others is I pretend to be lovingly present for others when I am actually emotionally unavailable.
12.) In my emotional body the covert abuse to others is I rarely allow anyone else to have the last word or to be right.
3.) Mental Body:
a.) Overt Abuse to Others
1.) In my mental body the overt abuse to others is I mentally attack others and speak those thoughts aloud.
2.) In my mental body the overt abuse to others is I judge, criticize, and condemn other people's thoughts and ideas.
3.) In my mental body the overt abuse to others is I encourage others to think negative thoughts.
4.) In my mental body the overt abuse to others is I play mental games with people to make them feel inferior and make me feel intellectually superior.
5.) In my mental body the overt abuse to others is I get angry with others when they space out and cannot focus.
6.) In my mental body the overt abuse to others is I space out and let my mind wander when other people are talking to me.
7.) In my mental body the overt abuse to others is I exaggerate and embellish the truth to impress others.
8.) In my mental body the overt abuse to others is I think I am mentally superior and attempt to undermine other's self-esteem.
9.) In my mental body the overt abuse to others is I demean and devalue others by being prejudiced against their education, language, diction, vocabulary, ideas, and beliefs.
10.) In my mental body the overt abuse to others is I attack people mentally when I see they are easily confused by my mind games.
11.) In my mental body the overt abuse to others is I condemn others for living in their mental fantasies.
12.) In my mental body the overt abuse to others is I intellectualize and trivialize their physical, emotional, and spiritual pain.
3.) Mental Body (Con't.):
b.) Covert Abuse to Others
1.) In my mental body the covert abuse to others is I violate other's privacy with my thoughts, judgements, and criticism.
2.) In my mental body the covert abuse to others is I think and expect the worst of other people.
3.) In my mental body the covert abuse to others is I pirate the ideas of others and claim them for my own.
4.) In my mental body the covert abuse to others is I push others to think too fast and spin them into intellectual chaos.
5.) In my mental body the covert abuse to others is I privately blame others when they do not understand what I say.
6.) In my mental body the covert abuse to others is I believe other people are stupid.
7.) In my mental body the covert abuse to others is I secretly question and distrust anything anyone else says.
8.) In my mental body the covert abuse to others is I dismiss others' thought processes and attribute their ideas, hopes, and dreams to "magical thinking."
9.) In my mental body the covert abuse to others is I fantasize about revenge and ways to torment others.
10.) In my mental body the covert abuse to others is I sacrifice true communication with others by not listening to them and only paying attention to formulating my reply.
11.) In my mental body the covert abuse to others is I think I have someone figured out and do not recognize or allow any change in my perception of them.
12.) In my mental body the covert abuse to others is I disassociate from others and hide out in my mind.
4.) Spiritual Body:
a.) Overt Abuse to Others
1.) In my spiritual body the overt abuse to others is I defile and devalue others' religious beliefs.
2.) In my spiritual body the overt abuse to others is I act spiritually superior towards others. I know the right path for others to take.
3.) In my spiritual body the overt abuse to others is I mock other's piety.
4.) In my spiritual body the overt abuse to others is I think it is beneath me to participate in other's spiritual ceremonies.
5.) In my spiritual body the overt abuse to others is I encourage others to be a spiritual hypocrite like me.
6.) In my spiritual body the overt abuse to others is I support others disconnecting from God as I do.
7.) In my spiritual body the overt abuse to others is I foster other people's spiritual isolation.
8.) In my spiritual body the overt abuse to others is I sermonize my religious beliefs to others.
9.) In my spiritual body the overt abuse to others is I question other's spiritual integrity.
10.) In my spiritual body the overt abuse to others is I hold another hostage as my spiritual guru.
11.) In my spiritual body the overt abuse to others is I manipulate and threaten others by imposing my spiritual beliefs on their actions.
12.) In my spiritual body the overt abuse to others is I validate other people's spiritual victimization.
4.) Spiritual Body (Con't.):
b.) Covert Abuse to Others
1.) In my spiritual body the covert abuse to others is I do not trust other people's religious views.
2.) In my spiritual body the covert abuse to others is I do not believe other people are good enough, or smart enough, to have God thoughts.
3.) In my spiritual body the covert abuse to others is I believe other people are sinners.
4.) In my spiritual body the covert abuse to others is I believe spiritual leaders are hypocrites.
5.) In my spiritual body the covert abuse to others is I doubt other people's spiritual connections.
6.) In my spiritual body the covert abuse to others is I deny others peace and joy.
7.) In my spiritual body the covert abuse to others is I do not treat others as sacred Beings because I doubt their holiness.
8.) In my spiritual body the covert abuse to others is I don't believe anyone deserves God's Love.
9.) In my spiritual body the covert abuse to others is I do not believe in the spiritual salvation of others.
10.) In my spiritual body the covert abuse to others is I don't believe others are sincere when they repent and ask forgiveness. It's all a spiritual hoax.
11.) In my spiritual body the covert abuse to others is I don't trust other people's connection to Soul.
12.) In my spiritual body the covert abuse to others is I believe that I am farther along the enlightenment path than others.


My Worst End Scenario:

All of my abuse to others comes back to me ten thousand times ten thousand. I am trapped in this continuous cycle of unceasing abuse. This vibration fills every cell of my being so thoroughly that I am a magnet solely for the vibrations of abuse. I have full awareness and realization of this and am powerless to stop it! Abuse is all I think about, all I know, all I taste, all I feel, all I breathe. I can't stop myself. I am addicted to the pain I cause and the power I have over others. This awareness is my living torture. This is a Hell of my own making. I never know Love, give Love, or receive Love. I do not have friends or family. I die alone. I welcome DEATH.


B.) Psychological Perspective:
1.) Who/What imprinted you? And How?
1.) My mother imprinted me with abusing others by being silent and withdrawn, never trusting others, never sharing her thoughts, feelings, or beliefs.
2.) My mother imprinted me with abusing others by lying to others.
3.) My mother imprinted me with abusing others by believing that all people are sinners.
4.) My mother imprinted me with abusing others by blaming others for her problems.
5.) My father imprinted me with abusing others by having to prove and demonstrating that he is better than others and has power over them.
6.) My father imprinted me with abusing others by being close-mined and judgemental of others deeds, feelings, beliefs, and motives
7.) My father imprinted me with abusing others by being uncomfortable with other people's emotional outbursts.
8.) My father imprinted me with abusing others by believing that people are bad and must be punished.
9.) My parents imprinted me with abusing others by hating people of different races, religions, and colors of skin.
10.) My parents imprinted me with abusing others by being sarcastic and negating the beliefs of others.
11.) My parents and my religion imprinted me with abusing others by being rigid and dictatorial.
12.) My religion imprinted me with abusing others by teaching me that we are all unworthy of God's Love, and must all be forgiven for our weaknesses, misdeeds, and flaws.


2.) The Payoff. Name it.
Name the Negative Power that feeds the Payoff.
The payoff for abusing others is that I feel powerful over others. When I abuse others, I no longer feel helpless, hopeless, separate, worthless, or ashamed. I do not have to take responsibility for my actions, thoughts, feelings, words, or beliefs. I can blame my family for my abusive behavior because they are the ones who taught me how to abuse others. I continue my identity as abuser, and remain stuck in this vicious cycle of self-loathing. I continue to play all of the roles of victim, persecutor and savior in this cycle of abuse. The negative power behind these statments is the rage that I have suppressed all my life in order to survive.


3.) What I need to change… inside myself.
1.) I need to change my abuse of disconnecting from others into practicing loving connection with others and holding an open heart and an open mind.
2.) I need to change my abuse of shunning touch and contact from others into clearly stating my own physical boundaries and asking them to do the same.
3.) I need to change my abuse of criticizing others' religious beliefs into honoring others' truths and knowing of God.
4.) I need to change my abuse of demeaning others' connection to God and criticizing others' spiritual paths into trusting God in me and in others, and respecting each individual Soul's path.
5.) I need to change my abuse of blaming others for my suffering into loving others by wishing them only the best.
6.) I need to change the abuse of competing with and comparing myself to others into knowing we are all unique and Soul-filled beings.
7.) I need to change the abuse of my constant critical talk into speaking gently, kindly,and lovingly.
8.) I need to change the abuse of believing I have mental superiority over others into knowing we are all equal.
9.) I need to change the abuse of intolerance for others into love, patience, and acceptance of others.
10.) I need to change the abuse of plotting revenge against others into surrendering any feelings of imagined wrongs.
11.) I need to change the abuse of spiritual arrogance into realizing we all are exactly where we need to be on our own spiritual path.
12.) I need to change the abuse of martyrdom and victimhood into knowing that I am the creator of my own reality, and I take full reponsibility for all that I create.


4.) My Unfinished Mommy/Daddy Business:
1.) Like my mother, I abuse others by talking behind other's backs.
2.) Like my mother, I abuse others by making others believe they are the cause of my unhappiness.
3.) Like my mother, I abuse others by imposing limits on them and believing them to be inadequate or incapable.
4.) Like my mother, I abuse others by needing and demanding their approval.
5.) Like my father, I abuse others by believing their only worth is in what they can accomplish or produce.
6.) Like my father, I abuse others by abandoning them.
7.) Like my father, I abuse others by projecting my fears onto them.
8.) Like my father, I abuse others by creating situations where they will always fail.
9.) Like my parents, I abuse others by my emotional inaccessibility.
10.) Like my parents, I abuse others by constantly demanding attention. I must always be the center of attention.
11.) Like my religion, I abuse others by believing God only loves special, chosen people like me.
12.) Like my religion, I abuse others by fostering their helplessness.


5.) Triangulations:
  Show at least 3 triangles with you in each of the three positions: Victim (V), Savior (S), and Persecutor (P). 

Diagram of Triangulation Diagram of Triangulation Diagram of Triangulation


6.) Negative Love Patterns:
1.) My mother taught me, "It's your fault I'm sick."
2.) My mother taught me, "You've always been that way. You'll never change."
3.) My mother taught me, "I'll never forgive you for that."
4.) My mother taught me, "If you don't love me, I'll kill myself."
5.) My father taught me, "You're living in a fantasy world. You'll never make it in the 'real' world."
6.) My father taught me, "If you are going to hit, hit him first and hit him hard."
7.) My father taught me, "We'll do it my way or not at all."
8.) My father taught me, "If you can't do it right, don't do it at all."
9.) My parents taught me, "Can't you do better than that?"
10.) My parents taught me, "You're being silly. You don't feel that way."
11.) My parents taught me, "You're such a pain in the neck."
12.) My parents taught me, "You never do anything right. Now I'll have to do it for you."
13.) My parents taught me, "I'm not speaking to you. I'll talk to you when I'm good and ready."
14.) My parents taught me, "Don't you dare walk away from me."
15.) My religion taught me, "You are going to be punished for doing that, for saying that, for having those thoughts."
16.) My religion taught me, "If you don't love God, you won't get into Heaven."

C.) SOUL Perspective:

Symbols from Soul:

Images given from Soul are that of a colony of bees working in a huge hive. Inside there are thousands of small chambers filled with activity. Each bee has a purpose, a function, a job to perform. All the bees are focused on the task at hand. The entire community is buzzing with activity.

This collective energy raises the vibration of the whole bee hive. As the vibration expands, the bee hive image dissolves. A new image of an opening rose blossom appears. The rose opens fully. It becomes radiant and luminenscent. The rose, too, disappears, and everything becomes pure white light energy.

The message from Soul is that each bee represents an individual person, with all of their individual ego attachments and negative patterns. The group of bees represents humanity as a whole. The bees, living in community within the hive, represent the Collective Consciousness of humanity.

Symbolically, the hive represents a non-abusive, cooperative pattern of living. This is not a natural state for humanity, with its ego entrapments. Living in ego causes humanity to be ruled by judgment, criticism, control, manipulaiton, protection, and defense. By living in this egoic state, humanity has perpetuated overt and covert abuse of others. These abuses are anchored in self-abuse and self-hatred, and reflect the disharmony on the planet. Humanity is constantly seeking harbors of safety to experience and learn harmlessness toward self and others.

All the bees are working together toward a common purpose. There is no separation, no alienation, no harmfulness. There are no distractions from ego. Soul offers humanity the opportunity to live a Soul-centered life instead of an ego-centered life.

The rose is the symbol of each individual and represents the potential for change. The closed rose is in a contracted state of isolation and aloneness. As the rose opens, it unfolds its petals in trust and faith, interaction and change. If the rose does not open, it withers and dies. So it is with each individual. If the individual experiences his/her highest potential, they open to giving and receiving Love. The fully opened rose/fully opened individual is living the full beauty of life.

The rose is transformed into the pure white light of Divine Love. Transformation occurs when the individual is in union and communion with Soul. Transformation is Soul-guided. With Soul guiding the individual, they can embrace the ego with Love and experience joy, peace, and harmony within themselves and humanity. Humanity can become one with the Love and wisdom of Soul, coming into union and communion with God.


5.) The Practices:
I will tell a different person each day for seven days about my practice of changing my abuse of others into Love of others. The seven abuses that I am ready to change into Love are:
 1. the abuse of judging/criticizing others into the Love of accepting and honoring others just as they are.
2. the abuse of exploding my anger on others into the Love of compassion and forgiveness toward others and myself.
3. the abuse of being conceited and arrogant toward others into the Love of humility and acceptance of others.
4. the abuse of being cruel to others into the Love of kindness toward others.
5. the abuse of lying to others into the Love of standing in the Truth of my Being 24 hours a day, and speaking with honesty and integrity.
6. the abuse of destroying others' self-worth into the Love of empowering, supporting, and encouraging self-worth in others.
7. the abuse of demeaning others' connections to God into the Love of honoring all persons as God, which they are.


6.) Do The Practices every day for one week: Yes ! Yes!


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